Do you need a one off pool clean service callout or a regular maintenance plan? We can tailor a plan to suit your pool/spa needs.

Whether its a regular maintenance plan or a one off service to open your pool, remove some debris, chemically balance issues, deal with an algae bloom or cloudy pools, pool equipment troubles, etc. Whatever the issue with your pool, Peninsula Pool Techs experienced techs can help.

Green pool? Peninsula Pool Techs can fix it.

Green pool? Peninsula Pool Techs can fix it.

Is your pool out of control? Swimming pools turn green for a variety of reasons, the most common being a lack of free chlorine or incorrect chemical balance. Other reasons include inadequte water circulation, old filtration media or extreme dirt load from surrounding environmental factors such as trees or surface water run off. 

From system failure to general neglect, once a pool is green it can be a very difficult to bring back, but rest assured we can do it. We offer a range of treatments to restore clarity to your swimming pool. Call our professional green pool recovery experts, we assess the condition of your pool and make the decision as to the best and most effective way to restore clarity to your swimming pool.

Peninsula Pool Techs Green Pool Recovery

Peninsula Pool Techs Green Pool Recovery

There's no better way to make to make sure your pool stays diamond sparkling than to have Peninsula Pool Techs service and maintain your pool. Call now and get a quote.